Top 10k strings from Here be Tygers (1985)(Automata UK).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   4 yyyyyyyyyyyy
   3 "********************************":
   2 TYGERS    
   1 }u@(}ux0}ux=}uxH}uxS}ux_}uxx}u
   1 |gE)|gH1|gH:|gI?|gIF|gIM|g
   1 xdH!xdI&xdJ+xdQ0xdS5xdS<xdVAxdVRxdVaxdV|xdV
   1 tygscr    
   1 then and only then
   1 t3M%t3R:t3
   1 r,+9r,xZr,xcr,
   1 pppppssspp      0000000000000000ppppppspppp    00000000000000000pppppppppppppppp0000000000000000ppppppppppppppppp000022200000000ppppppppppppppppp000022200000000pppppppppppppppppp00000000000000ppppppppppppppppppp0000000000000b
   1 pppphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpuuuuu}}}uuuuu}uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhuuuuu}}}}uuuu}EEuuu}uuumhhhhhhmhuuuu}}}}}uuuuuEEEEE}}uumhzzzzhmhn}u}}}}}}uuuuuEEEEEuuuumhzzzzhmhhu}}}}}}uuuuuuuuuu}}uuumhzzzzhmhh}iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimzzzzhmhhuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhmhhuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEEuuhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunuuuuuuuuu
   1 p"[+p"\:p"^?p"^Hp"sQp"t\p"{jp"~~p"~
   1 kgnlmjnlb_
   1 jlim_lofjajl
   1 jl]^klmokakl\a_ohl
   1 ijoimmj]\^_h]iahoj
   1 hkfkheclkcma
   1 ggggffgggg
   1 ggffggfggggfgg
   1 fggggffgggfg
   1 fgggffggggfg
   1 bt87ft97lt9
   1 Yw_Ohw_Pmw_
   1 When in doubt make music
   1 Tygers of Gekko
   1 Tygers    c
   1 The Quill Adventure System
   1 TYGERS    x
   1 Lt67Pt76Vt78\t7
   1 Gekko Four
   1 @{f?H{f?O{f?X{f?a{fEg{fEw{fH~{fH
   1 ;"yo uha veb roke nint";
   1 ;"t odi scovers omethi";
   1 ;"o the listing hoping";
   1 ;"ng useful. Well, for";
   1 ;"king little pluke. Th";
   1 ;"isis myprog ramOpp it" 
   1 ;"if you can read this";
   1 ;"ge tityoun astys nea";
   1 ;"When you have found and blasted every tyger,  re-crystallized   the Shivering Gem of Klaarzqtt, hypnotized the oyster, achieved the status of Mega-mega-Warlock,bored the weregerbil to death,  recruited the Shadow-Armies of  the Outcast, barbecued the Dove of Peace, rescued the nineteenthiridescent owl from the flaming pit, remembered where you left  your foot, spoken the Spell of  Oblivion from the lexicon of theUndead, abandoned your C5 ..."
   1 ;"STOP TAPE":
   1 ;"Press to continue this rubbish"
   1 ;"Press any key to learn the worst"
   1 ;"Of course, things then begin to get a mite difficult."
   1 ;"OK, enough of this gay banter.  Press a key and note the really useful instructions.                                            You realise this won't give a   whole new meaning to your life ?"
   1 ;"Not so hot on the old languages,eh ?  Oh, well, here are a few  tips in plain English..."
   1 ;"N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW,UP,DOWN,GET,DROP,WEAR,REMOVE,EAT,DRINK,SCORE(I)NVENTORY,LOOK and EXAMINE areprobably the least  imaginative commands you can try                                            HELP usually doesn't                                            QUIT if you can't hack it                                       SAVE any position (but without atitle so note where you've tapedthe bytes) and LOAD back at will                                Obscenity will get you nowhere  Ditto violence. Lizards rule OK 
   1 ;"If by chance you can't read   ancient Sumerian press any key."
   1 ;"Congratulations !  You have beenvolunteered..."
   1 ;"******************************** Then press any key to continue "
   1 ;"********************************                                Only one more page of really    useful instructions (honestly)  and you can get on with your    holiday on 
   1 ;" Press any key for more of this  gripping tale ..."
   1 ;"   ... embraced the fragrant redbadger,tricked the Arch-Mage outof his truss, used the narwhal  as a tuba, extracted the stone  from the sword, escorted Perseusback to the right myth, stomped the tapioca, forgiven the sins  of the eggplant, read the small print, set the potted shrimps   ablaze, boldly gone, sheepishly returned, stifled the soprano   walrus, embalmed the nine elms, hurled the turtle at the albino kidney, solved the crow, baffledthe beaver, disabled the lilac  trenchcoat, stampeded the kelp, arranged the iceberg into a wellknown phrase or saying, poleaxedthe honey, psychoanalyzed the   tea-bag ..." 
   1 ;"   ... befriended the homicidal dwarf, hopped backwards over thelava-fields blindfolded, hacked the Zombie Legion to ribbons,   distilled the Dew of Morning andquaffed it, charmed the granite turkeys with hot wax, sought andfound every ingredient of both  potions of prescience, waltzed  with the deaf octopus, ignored  the damsel in distress, endured the wrath of The Worm, rescued  the droid's peanut-butter, savedthe Universe (twice) .....      
   1 ;"                                ...A perfectly normal evening inSuite 919 of the Penge Hilton...                                "
   1 8vNM>vNMXvNMuvNR
   1 2ze?9zeE@zeEPzeHWzeH`zeIezeInzeIwzeQ~zeQ
   1 00Fuhhuuuuuuppppppppp000ppppppp0000Fpppppppppppppppp000000000000000Fpppppppppppp   p000000000000000Fppppppppppp     p00000000000000Fpppppppsspp     p00000000000000Fppppppssspp     pp00040004000000ppppppssspp       00040004000000
   1 . Press a key."
   1 . Gekko is an unimportant star in a rather boring sector of a much-ignored galaxy. Sounds fun doesn't it ?"
   1 #o"#(o"#3o"$<o".No".]o".lo"0vo";
   1 "Suddenly, massively weedy jaws  clamp down on your toe. From theoverflow pipe a muffled voice   emerges (it's not easy to talk  with a foot in your mouth) ..."
   1 "Soon you will sleep.  When you  wake you will find yourself on  the planet 
   1 "Right now my hypodermic teeth   are releasing an irresistible   hypnotic drug into your blood.  Don't think I enjoy doing this. If I had my way I'd be sinking  my fangs into the soft throat ofa succulent Transylvanian wench.As it is, I'm acting on behalf  of Certain Parties who have justarranged an enormous transfusioninto my blood-bank account.     These parties need a volunteer  to do a little job for them ..."
   1 "Now, about this job ...         Certain Parties were a bit vagueabout that.  All they told me isthat it's  vital to the survivalof the universe. Personally, I'dsay that's about as likely as   wings on a lobster.  But then,  I'm a notorious cynic."
   1 "Now for the good news...        When you succeed in saving the  universe or whatever, they may  let you return home. Real big ofthem, eh ?""":
   1 "********************************";
   1 "   So there you are, up to your ears in bath-foam, contemplatinga career as the Albanian anchovyski-jump coach, when you are hitby a strange urge to slide your toe into the cold tap ...                                      "
   1 "                                I suggest you just mooch around and see if anything makes sense.Knowing how the 
   1 "                                 
   1  written by G.Y. 
   1  are you trulyready to progress onwards to thesecond level."
   1  1983 GILSOFT
   1  (alias Certain Parties) operate,I seriously doubt that."
   1   The strategy just outlinedonly applies to the version of  this game specially designed forthe entire computer-network of  the U.S. Missile Defense System.If you do not have access to theSystem please ignore all this.  If you do have access you are   either an about-to-be-jailed    hacker or you are wasting your  time when you should be scanningyour screen for incoming blips. Pay attention !"
   1                                   ""This is Arbogast, your friendly neighbourhood vampire speaking."